God wants friends not robots: He gives us the choice to stay or leave

A robot

Some thoughts on the readings Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B). God wants friends, not robots Why do so “many disciples,” as St John puts it, decide to stop following our Lord after His explanation of the Eucharist as the “living bread,” while at the same time the Twelve stay with Him? This question … Read more

The gift of faith through the Eucharist

Some reflections on the readings for the Eucharist for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B): 1 Kings 19:4–8; Psalm 34:2-9; Ephesians 4:30–5:2; St John 5:41–51. The Eucharist nourishes eternal life Our Lord Jesus Christ packs three momentous lessons into this discoures on the Eucharist in today’s Gospel reading. Firstly, He points out the … Read more

Self care on dialysis: a journey to control

By days, weeks, months, and years, kidney dialysis patients learn to live with their thrice-weekly life-saving dialysis treatment. The alternative of not having treatment at all is much worse. Most of us still want to live; so, in order that we might continue to do so, we travel from our home to our dialysis unit … Read more

Learn like Scrooge and St Thomas Becket

Some thoughts based on the Readings for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B): Exodus 16:2–4, 12–15; Psalm 78:3–4, 23–25, 54; Ephesians 4:17, 20–24; St John 6:24–35. Christians work for a life, not just for a living. Last Sunday we read that Jesus peformed the multiplication of the loaves, and heard that all the … Read more