Michæl McFarland Campbell

Always telling the story

Archive for the ‘Fistula’ tag

AV fistula considerations: exploring options at Midlands Regional Hospital, Tullamore

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Yesterday, while I was on dialysis, a secretary from the Vascular Clinic at Midlands Regional Hospital in Tullamore called to schedule an arm scan. I’ve been waiting for this scan for several months to determine if there’s enough space in my arm for another arteriovenous (AV) fistula, which would aid in dialysis access. Given the opportunity to attend today’s appointment, I eagerly took it and travelled to Tullamore by train.

Upon arrival, I was asked to remove my t-shirt, which seemed excessive for an arm scan, but I complied. The nurse then informed me she was ready to scan my right arm. This surprised me because I thought the scan was for my left arm. The nurse went to consult another professional, but they were unavailable. She returned, and we had a discussion about the situation.

The main reason I don’t want a fistula in my right arm is due to the loss of dexterity I’ve experienced in my left arm since having an AV fistula there. As an organist, maintaining dexterity in my right arm is crucial. Additionally, I was frustrated that I had travelled to Tullamore for a scan of the wrong arm. Had I known it was for my right arm, I would have cancelled the appointment to avoid wasting both the nurse’s and my time.

On a positive note, we learned that placing another AV fistula in my left arm is impossible. The team usually starts with the forearm and moves up if necessary. Since my current fistula is in my upper arm, there’s no more space for another one in my left arm. This means we need to explore other alternatives. I have requested to speak with another renal consultant with whom I have a good rapport, partly due to our shared Scouting connection. I hope we can find a suitable solution from now on.

Originally posted on Hivblogger.com

Written by Michæl McFarland Campbell

June 13th, 2024 at 7:52 pm

It’s not the worst outcome…

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Yesterday morning I was whizzed down the M4 from Tullamore to Tallaght for 0830 by two helpful ambulance crew from Medicall Ambulance Service. (Being Ireland, one of them I knew from my volunteering in St John Ambulance Ireland. It’s a small world!)

Despite arriving at 0830, it was nearer half past two before I was taken over to the IR department. Only on arrival there did I learn what IR meant—Interventional Radiology. 

Throughout the procedure I was awake though somewhat sedated. I found it interesting being able to see inside my arm as the consultant worked to clear the clot. Despite doing so, it was decided that the fistula was unusable for ongoing dialysis. Therefore they proceeded with replacing the temporary catheter in my chest with a permacath. 

I must thank the team who worked so hard to achieve the best possible outcome for me. In the midst of it all yesterday it was hard to see it as anything other than a terrible outcome. But, it really isn’t. The permacath means that I can continue to receive the lifesaving dialysis I need. 

After the procedure, I had to be observed on the ward for four hours by which time it was too late for me to transferred back to Tullamore. So, I understand that to be happening in time for dialysis at 1400. 

Thank you to everyone who has sent thoughts and prayers. It is very much appreciated. 

Despite being in Osborne Ward after which Liam the #dialysissupportbear is named, the bear is still in Tullamore. I’m sure he will get plenty of cuddles on my return.